Week 3: And Then There Were Footers

Week 3: And Then There Were Footers

Progress on the farmhouse continued this week with the pouring of footers! Tyler and I were out of town and a little anxious about anything big happening due to rain, but the skies cleared on Thursday long enough to get things rolling. Our builder sent us some photos while all of the action was happening.

And then there were footers

It's so strange to see such large machinery on our land!

And then there were footers

And then there were footers

Lots of rain hit again on Friday and Saturday, but the footers looked great when we stopped by on Sunday. It kind of felt like we were installing a huge pool instead of building a house, but it sounds like the weather is supposed to be great over the next week, so I'm sure everything will soak in and be ready for next steps in no time.

Week 3: And Then There Were Footers

The black object in the bottom right corner of the photo above shows the location of the sump pump, in case you were wondering.

Week 3: And Then There Were Footers

Week 3: And Then There Were Footers

Week 3: And Then There Were Footers

Week 3: And Then There Were Footers

Week 3: And Then There Were Footers

Week 3: And Then There Were Footers